International Whisky Day Health Benefits & Side Effects

International Whiskey Day: Health Benefits & Side Effects of Drinking Whiskey

International Whiskey Day – celebrated every year on the 27th of March, making this alcoholic beverage popular among the people who enjoyed it for centuries.

International Whiskey Day was first launched in 2009 at the Whiskey Day Festival in the northern Netherlands. The day was proposed in 2008, and established in 2009 in the presence of several whiskey writers at the Whiskey Day Festival.

It was created in honour of beloved British whiskey writer, Michael Jackson. The date, March 27 was meticulously chosen by the community to coincide with Michael Jackson’s birthday to commemorate his contribution to the world of Whiskey.

I know you too enjoy this alcoholic beverage on special occasions. Apart from Beer, Rum and Wine, Whiskey is one of the largest consuming beverages across the world. Consuming Whiskey has some health benefits and side effects too, let’s find out.

Also Read: Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer Daily in Moderation

5 Health Benefits of Whiskey

Whiskey is made from fermented grains and contains at least 40% alcohol. Research & studies suggest that moderate consumption of whiskey can have potential health benefits. While consuming excessively not only makes you feel intoxicated but also has some side effects.

5 Health Benefits of Whiskey

#1 No Fat, No Carbs & No Sugar

Whiskey contains absolutely no fat, and barely any carbohydrates or sugar. For diabetic people, it could be the best choice looking to enjoy alcoholic drinks. And research says, moderate consumption of Whiskey helps to prevent type-2 diabetes.

#2 Low Risk of Heart Disease

As per the studies in the European Journal of Clinical NutritionHarvard University, and the European Heart Journal consuming a maximum of seven small glasses of Whiskey a week will reduce to some degree the risk of heart disease and heart failure.

drinking Whiskey good for Heart

While on the other hand, as per the study by Harvard, a moderate amount of alcohol raises the amount of “good cholesterol” in your blood, improving blood flow and reducing inflammation. This is a natural protection against heart disease.

#3 Relief from Common Cold 

As per Dr. William Schaffner, Chairman of Preventative Medicine at Vanderbilt University, alcohol dilates blood vessels, making it easier for mucus membranes to deal with the infection and whiskey can temporarily widen your blood vessels.

And in small amounts, this can help clear mucus congestion in your sinuses and chest, which helps your body better deal with such infections and sickness. This effect may also relieve other symptoms of a common cold or flu, like coughing or wheezing.

#4 Lowers the risk of Dementia

As per the studies published by the National Institute of Health in 2003 and 2011 in Germany, adults who consumed one to six portions a week were half as likely to suffer dementia as non-drinkers and heavy drinkers.

drinking Whiskey Lowers the risk of Dementia

However, once again, it is recommended to consume such alcoholic drinks in moderation. While a couple of glasses a week will lower your risk of dementia, conversely drinking and sipping multiple glasses a day will raise your risk exponentially.

#5 Whiskey Helps to Fight Cancer

Cancer is another one of the most deadly diseases taking the lives of many people worldwide every year. However, it should not be used as the only treatment to cure a such fatal disease but as per the research Whiskey can help fight cancer.

drinking Whiskey help to Fight Cancer

Whiskey contains ellagic acid, which helps absorb rogue cells in your body. This acid is also found in fruit and wine; however, it is found in higher levels in Whiskey. Hence enjoying a glass (or two) of Whiskey can – hence – help you live longer.

Side Effects of Drinking Whiskey

All such beverages contain alcohol, and overconsumption of the same has adverse effects on your body. Similarly, drinking Whiskey excessively or more than recommended quantity will have detrimental effects on one’s health.

Also Read: Why Moderate Drinking Good for Heart Compare to Nondrinkers

Heavy drinking can damage your kidney and affect the liver. And excessive alcohol consumption is also associated with an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as mouth, liver, oesophagus, colon, and pancreas cancer. So drink responsibly and avoid regular or overconsumption of any kind of alcoholic drink to stay healthy and fit.

Sources: Liqorloot, Forbes & Web Md

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