How to Stay Active Healthy While Working from Home

How to Stay Active & Healthy While Working from Home

Thanks to COVID-19 outbreak, work-from-home (WFH) culture has been widely adopted by the companies globally. And even now many of you would be working from home that definitely changed your life, at least your daily lifestyle and other routines due to limited physical activities at home.

If you can’t go at gyms or you are not getting time go for morning or evening walk in parks, your physical activity become limited, it will not only affect your health but also can make you sick. Hence you can follow few tips given below to stay active and healthy while staying or working from home.

10 Ways To Stay Active & Healthy at Home

#1 Take Proper & Adequate Sleep at Nights

If you take naps in day, sleep late night and get up late, it’s not a good habit. Because inadequate sleep will make you inactive or feel lazy throughput the day. Sleep at least 7-8 hours at night to complete the nap in deep sleep with the right position.

Also Read: Why You Should Sleep On Your Left Side: 5 Reasons & Benefits

To reduce sleep disturbance, avoid spending time on digital screen like TV or smartphones before sleeping or especially at the time of going to bed at nights, it can cause computer vision syndrome or other health complications at later stage of life.

Also Read: How Much Screen Time Is Too Much or Can Damage Your Eyes

2# Getup Early or Timely in the Morning

People take advantage of sleeping late and waking up late, which not a good idea. Actually, people who wakeup late in the morning face health problems like headache, sugar, obesity and laziness, that’s makes them inactive and unhealthy.

So, my personal advice is wake up early in the morning, a least by 6-7 AM so that you can start your day early and complete your other activities timely. I’m sure you feel better and more energetic if you make habit of getting up early in the morning.

#3 Do Some Indoor Exercise or Workout

Due to lockdowns people are not even allowed to attend gyms or go for jogging or do workouts at parks or other activity areas. And working from home also minimize your daily physical activity that you do while commuting or working in the office.

So, right here, just do some exercise that you can perform at your home like yoga, pushups, and workouts. I’m sure it will not only keep you fit and healthy, but you will also feel more energetic and active throughout the day at home. 

Also Read: 5 Exercises or Workouts You Can Do at Home without Equipment

4# Don’t Skip Breakfast & Eat Timely

Many people skip breakfast, especially who wakeup late in the mooring, which is not a good for your health. Skipping the breakfast has several side-effects that you will notice at later stage of your life or may be in your young age.

Also Read: What Happens When You Always Skip Breakfast: 5 Disadvantages

So, make sure eat something in the morning, as after dinner there long hours gap between two meals, and your body need food to gain energy.

#5 Take Healthy and Nutritious Diet  

The best formula to stay active and keep healthy is do the excursive and take the healthy diet. If you eat junk foods on regular basis, it will affect your digestive system and also increase cholesterol that can cause heart problems in the old age.

So, take protein and vitamin rich diet like milk, green vegetables, fruits and other nutritious food, provide you energy and keep you healthy.    

 #6 Drink Water to Keep Yourself Hydrated

Eating the food is not enough, you need to keep drinking sufficient amount of water to keep body regulated with liquid inflow and outflow. Actually, lack of water causes dehydration that may lead to fatigue and headaches affects your productivity. 

In fact you should drink half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water each day. But don’t drink too much quantity water at a time.

Also Read: What Happens if You Drink Too Much Water: Side Effects

#7 Avoid Working on Your Bed or Couch

People working from home, choose the comfortable place to sit with their laptop like lying on the bed or sofa, which makes them lazy and inactive.

This not a good idea, to make your work-from-home more productive and effective you should avoid this and create a dedicated work space with table and chair to sit properly work actively. I’m sure you will stay active and work efficiently.     

#8 Keep Stretching Yourself While Working

Sitting at one place for long hours in same posture makes people inactive and slowdowns the metabolism of the body. So, if you work at home, keep stretching your body, at least your hand and other body parts to keep yourself active.

At regular intervals, get up from your seat and keep walking. If possible keep stretching at your seat to stay active while working for long hours.

#9 Keep Your Immune System Strong

“Prevention is better than cure” – yes before you become sick, its better prevent your body from diseases and common or seasonal infections. And it is possible when you boost your immunity system strong enough to prevent from disease.

Also Read: How Vitamin C Boost Immunity & Helps Body to Fight Viruses

Though, to keep your immunity stronger there are many ways, but a healthy diet, regular exercise and healthy lifestyle are the golden rules.    

Also Read: How To Make Immune System Stronger: 5 Ways To Boost Immunity

#10 Walk in the Evening & Night Before Sleep

Working from home, cut your physical activity, mainly walking, especially if you are lockdown and not allowed to attend the gyms, parks or go any other open space. It will make your body inactive, so you need to make routine of walking.

You can walk on treadmill or roof top of your building, colony or inside the campus of your society. Start with the morning walk, and do in the evening when finish your office work from home and finally at the night after meal before going to bed. Or you can do yoga for few minutes for better sleep at night. 

Also Read: 10 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep You Can Do Daily Before Bed

I think these are few ways to stay active at home. These useful tips will also help you to keep you healthy and fit even working from home. And if you want to know if you are fit and healthy, you can perform few tests at your home.        

Also Read: How to Check Your Fitness Level and Health at Home: 4 Steps

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