Vitamin C Boost Immunity Body to Fight Viruses

How Vitamin C Boost Immunity & Helps Body to Fight Viruses?

Millions of people died and suffered from COVID-19 during the epidemic, that’s because of Coronavirus people were getting infected easily. And most people with weak immune systems were easily infected and seriously ill or died.    

From this epidemic, we have learnt a lot of things, and keeping our immune system is one of them that can help us to keep safe from such viruses. Vitamin C is an essential element that plays a major role in keeping our immunity system strong.

Also Read: How To Make Immune System Stronger: 5 Ways To Boost Immunity

Vitamin C was discovered by Albert Szent-Gyorgi in the early twentieth century when he was searching for a substance, the deficiency of which can cause various health problems. So, let’s understand the role and importance of Vitamin C in our body.

Role of Vitamin C in Fighting with Viruses

Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body and requires daily intake to maintain adequate levels. This combined with smoking, poor lifestyle, and not consuming enough nutritious foods leads to a majority of the population being sub-clinically Vitamin C deficient.

In the 1970s, Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling popularised the use of high doses of Vitamin C for the treatment of the common cold. 

As per the research and studies Vitamin C deficiency and Pneumonia found that patients with a low Vitamin C intake required hospitalisation much longer than those who had adequate amounts.

How Much Vitamin C Per Day?

For the prevention and treatment of viral respiratory tract infections, it is recommended to take 4-6 grams of Vitamin C per day. In a clinical study conducted with 500 subjects, 4-6g of Vitamin C per day showed an 85 per cent reduction in cold and flu symptoms.

To those who think they can get adequate Vitamin C from citrus fruits, you must understand that you need to consume as many as 20 oranges to get 1g of Vitamin C which is impossible. While consuming excessive Vitamin C has a side effect on your body.

Also Read: How Much Vitamin C is Too Much: Side Effects of Vitamin C

How Does Vitamin C Work?

In the case of the coronavirus-infected patient, the main reason for the extensive lung injury is the excessive free radicals and oxidative stress mounted by the dysfunctional immune system in an effort to kill the virus but end up harming the patient instead.

Vitamin C, a water-soluble powerful anti-oxidant, can neutralise these free radicals and reduce oxidative damage to the lungs. When the balance between oxidants and anti-oxidants is lost, that’s when the damage happens and patients progress to severe disease. By administering adequate Vitamin C, we can increase the anti-oxidant status of our body.

Vitamin C levels in white blood cells (immune cells) are ten times higher than in plasma, which indicates the functional role of the vitamin in these immune cells. Vitamin C has been shown to affect the functions of phagocytes, the production of interferon, the replication of viruses, and the maturation of T-lymphocytes.

Vitamin C Prevents Many Diseases

Vitamin C also protects these immune cells from oxidative damage when they try to clear out bacteria, viruses, etc. Hundreds of clinical studies have shown that Vitamin C has a positive impact on many infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.

Vitamin C at doses of 4-6g is absolutely safe and causes no side effects whatsoever. It is especially useful for the elderly and for those with pre-existing conditions to strengthen their immunity. However, you can also increase your intake of other foods to boost your immunity.  

Also Read: 6 Vitamin C Rich Foods Must Consume Daily to Boost Immunity

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