Five Natural Home Remedies to Cure the Common Cold and Cough

Five Natural Home Remedies to Cure the Common Cold & Cough

The changing seasons also bring abrupt changes in temperature in the atmosphere also affects human health through various infections and virus attacks.

The common cold is one the most frequent infection outbreaks due to various reasons like consuming extreme cold or extreme hot drinks or if you get in touch with such an infected person. 

If you get sick with a common cold regularly you need to be very careful to avoid such things causing the cold, because prolonged coughing, sneezing, or headache that can trigger migraine, especially among women.

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Though taking antibiotic medicines can cure such infections it also has side effects, hence you can try these home remedies for cough and cold and they will also help you relieve flu discomfort and improve your immunity.

5 Natural Remedies to Cure the Common Cold & Cough

#1 Ginger Tea – Stay Warm During the Entire Winters

A cup of hot ginger tea is one of the great homemade natural beverages that will help you to recover from the common cold, especially in winter.

Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties that not only soothe your throat but will also keep you warm during winter. It contains the yellow-coloured healing spice that has antimicrobial properties and helps to fight the virus or bacteria causing the common cold.

To make the best use of ginger tea, you need to crush the ginger properly and simmer in the water for at least 20 minutes. However, you can also add lemon or honey to your ginger tea to make it tastier.

And lemon and honey are also healthier ingredients that are very helpful home remedies for colds and fevers and recovery from cough problems naturally.      

#2 Hot Water Steam – Get Quick Relief from Nasal Congestion

This is also one of the most effective and quick relief home remedial natural solutions to relieve the common cold.

However, steam is not helpful in killing the cold infection bacteria but it can provide you relief from nasal congestion allowing you to breathe comfortably with a soothing relaxation and avoid respiratory problems in cold.

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To use this process get a pot or steel jug and pour boiling water into that or you can use a readymade humidifier machine and add some steam inhalation having mint properties.

Now cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam slowly and take a long breath every time.

You can follow this process three to four times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. It is one of the best natural remedies for cough and will help you get relief from nasal congestion and help you to recover from cold infections.

And during cold and cough always try to drink only hot or warm water that will also help you to prevent from further spread of a cough and sneezing.

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#3 Vitamin C Rich Foods – A Natural Way to Boost Your Immunity      

Adding extra sources of Vitamin C into your diet will also help you to reduce the duration and severity of the symptoms of a common cold.

Vitamin C helps make your body stronger and boost the immunity system, helping you avoid such infections.

There are various Vitamin C-rich foods you can add to your regular diet regularly to avoid cold infections. Apart from all citrus fresh fruits like oranges spinach, broccoli and bell pepper, chilli peppers are also a great source of Vitamin C.

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#4 Chicken Soup – Get Relief from Respiratory Tract Infections

If you are a non-vegetarian person, this could be the best way to keep the common cold in control.

Soup made from chicken contains such ingredients which have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce nasal congestion and help to cure other respiratory tract infections with long-term effects on your body to resist all types of colds.

The chicken soup will not only keep you warm but also add a delicious taste to your mouth. Consuming chicken soup multiple times a day is beneficial.

As it has nutrient-dense ingredients that help to recover from cold infections and also improve the immunity system of your body to keep prevented from such cold infections and coryza.

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#5 Spicy Foods – A Hot Remedial Action with Added Taste

If you are a vegetarian and can’t taste the chicken soup, this could be a savoury way to control your common cold, as in spicy foods there are various spices that work like a healing ingredient.

You can try chili based foods and other dishes made with chili pepper or spiced materials that will help to clear the nasal blockage that happens due to a cough and cold.

Actually, capsaicin contents in chili peppers act as a natural decongestant but make sure if you are sensitive to such spicy diets or having digestive problems you should avoid such hot foods.

So, you can also try other spicy foodstuffs like ginger or garlic which have antimicrobial properties and also contain allicin which will help you fight cold-related infections.

Though the taste and odour of garlic are not so appetizing, you can prepare garlic and ginger mixed made foods that will also help you to recover from colds and other such infections.

And these two roots-based vegetables are also very useful in boosting immunity naturally. All these are most suitable and safe home remedies for cold and flu infections.

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