8 Spices You Must Have in Your Food in Monsoon with Benefits

8 Spices You Must Have in Your Food in Monsoon with Benefits

Monsoon on the peek, also makes bacteria and viruses more active attacking the human body. This rainy season also stimulates people to enjoy more spicy foods adding taste to their mouth through multi-cuisine food items at their home.

Spices not only add taste to your food but also benefits your health. As monsoon is also a season for impaired immunity or slow digestion, so you must have spices in your food during the rainy season to protect yourself against various types of infections. Hence, here we brought eight must-have spices during monsoon to stay protected from various diseases. 

Eight Must-Have Spices in the Monsoon

#1 Turmeric

With antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting properties, turmeric makes it a must-have spice in all types of foods. And the star behind the popularity of this spice is curcumin – a bioactive compound of turmeric.

And, as per various medical studies, turmeric improves immunity and protects our body from various infections. Furthermore, Ayurveda also recommends turmeric to balance vata and pita doshas, which are most affected during the monsoon.

#2 Cinnamon

Cinnamon contains polyphenols which makes it one of the most important spices. Apart from the presence of antioxidants, cinnamon also has compounds that show anti-inflammatory action that helps to repair the body tissue and strengthens it to fight infection. Another compound, Cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon, helps with respiratory tract infections.

#3 Ginger

In monsoon, Ginger is one the must-have spice that pacifies the cough and cold, which is very common during monsoon season. It is a great remedy for sore throat and also boosts immunity, especially to fight the common cold and flu.

Also Read: Five Natural Home Remedies to Cure the Common Cold & Cough

Ginger contains the natural expectorant – it loosens the mucus in the lungs while soothing the tissue.

Apart from that, Ginger also improves the digestion system, which is badly affected by the monsoon season, as infections from food are very common during the rainy season, therefore, keeping the digestive system healthy becomes important. 

#4 Celery (Ajwain)

Another digestion stimulator, yes Ajwain contains the essential oils, bioactive compounds, and minerals that really help alleviate nausea and stomachache; both are common in an unhealthy/weak digestive system.

For people with acidity or gastric problems taking Ajwain water on a regular basis will help them keep digestion in top gear.

#5 Hing (Asafoetida)

Used in many Indian foods adding a blended taste enhance digestion and keeps flatulence at bay. It is also good for colic pain; in fact, rubbing Hing dissolved in water on small babies’ bloated tummies is a common home remedy.

The bioactive compounds present in this gum resin show strong antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-fungal activities. The Hing was used at a large scale to cure Spanish Flu spread in 1918 and it was also effective against H1N1 too.

And consuming hing in monsoon may protect you against not just regular rainy season ailments but also against the pandemic around us.

#6 Saunf (Fennel)

It is one of the very aromatic spices and is traditionally chewed after a meal as a mouth freshener. However, the actual science behind using this humble spice is actually that, it contains active compounds that help digestion, relieve flatulence and prevent indigestion. Saunf can be had as an infusion, after meals or even added to the meal.

#7 Jeera (Cumin)

Stimulates digestion by speeding up the release of digestive enzymes and the release of bile from the liver, Cumin contains phytochemical compounds – a powerful antioxidant.

These two properties together make it a must-have spice in your food, especially during monsoons when the digestion system is more prone to bacteria and infections.

#8 Garlic 

Not spice, but mostly used as a flavour while cooking food, Garlic is also a well-known immunity booster, as Garlic contains allicin – its active agent.

On ingestion, compounds formed from allicin have been shown to boost the immune reaction of white blood cells against flu viruses.

Also Read: How Vitamin C Boost Immunity & Helps Body to Fight Viruses

To extract its compounds, Garlic should be chopped or crushed for maximum benefits. Adding garlic to your daily meals is the best way to boost your immunity.

Apart from this, there are many spices and herbs you can add to your meals to protect your body from seasonal bacteria and infections.

However, apart from cooking, you can also use spices to prepare brew (kadha) or other hot beverages to keep yourself warm and enhance immunity, even if it is a monsoon time or any other season around the year. 

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